This lift would have required a 125 ton crane, not anymore!
Ingenuity Industries, Inc. ™ is a research and development company in Northern California, which presently is working in the cell tower maintenance industry. They own a company called Telecom Lifters™, which has invented a unique lifting machine which can attach to and lift a 1400 pound Ericsson radio base station (RBS) high enough to insert a battery backup box (BBU) underneath. This new approach completely eliminates the need for a boomtruck, crane or helicopter in order to lift the RBS in maintenance and upgrade situations. A three-man crew can carry the patent-pending machine, called the TL-1800, to the RBS, attach it to the RBS in about 20 minutes, and lift the RBS to a height up to 40 inches in about 2 minutes. At this point, the BBU safely can be mounted under the RBS, and then the RBS can be lowered onto the BBU in 2 minutes. The time for attaching, lifting, lowering, and detaching is less than it would take to file for permits for a crane lift! It is also possible to perform some of the lifts live without disrupting cellular service!
All the undesirable factors associated with equipment upgrades and modifications at cell sites; such as, crane costs, permit fees, street blockages, fuel consumption, high carbon footprint, and instability of the cranes are drastically reduced or eliminated entirely when using Telecom Lifter’s™ TL-1800! The TL-1800 is powered by 115VAC, and uses about the same amount of power as would be used by a household microwave oven during the 4 minutes of lifting and lowering of the RBS. Check out more pictures and information on jobs they have done at http://www.telecomlifters.com/.
Ingenuity Industries, Inc. ™ also has a product called the Bond Washer™. This is a two-holed flat washer used on ground bar lug applications. This product is commonly used on cell tower ground bars, which saves the contractor time, money, and frustration! The Bond Washer™ provides a better coverage of two hole ground lugs than washers that are too small or to large and it provides a much cleaner, space-saving appearance. No more grinding washers or trying to fit the wrong size single-hole washer on a ground bar. Worse yet no flat washers at all. Go to http://www.bondwasher.com/ for ordering information or call 1-800-576-7260 for services and products at Ingenuity Industries, Inc. ™
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